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Nissan skyline r34 gt-r v-spec ii nür 651077

29/04/21 · Nissan Skyline GTR R34 выставили на аукционе это редкая версия VSpec II Nür 0725, 29 апреля 21 У авто лишь 10 км пробега, аAll specifications, performance and fuel economy data of Nissan Skyline GTR Vspec II Nur (6 kW / 280 PS / 276 hp), edition of the year 02 since February 02 for Japan special edition, including acceleration times 060 mph, 0100 mph, 0100 km/h, 00 km/h, quarter mile time, top speed, mileage and fuel economy, powertoweight ratio, dimensions, drag coefficient, etcThe Nissan Skyline GTR Vspec II Nür (BNR34) is part of the fifth generation of the Nissan Skyline GTR, based on the tenth generation of the base Skyline model It is often known as the Skyline GTR, the GTR, or the R34, it was also nicknamed "Godzilla" Car For Sale Brand New R34 Nissan Skyline Gt R V Spec Ii Nur Nissan skyline r34 gt-r v-spec ii nür

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